Building Safety Complaints

Complaints regarding building safety and the Building Safety Act 2022.

Here at Affinity Living we are dedicated to creating and delivering a sense of safety and security to our Residents.  Not only do we aim to acknowledge any Building Safety concerns you may have but to actively address and rectify these concerns.

We are committed to empowering our Residents to actively contribute to maintaining a safe living environment when residing in a high-rise accommodation.

As a resident, you are encouraged to raise “relevant complaints” regarding Building Safety to create a safe living environment.

A “relevant complaint” involves:

  • Structural failure and spread of fire (building safety risks)
  • The performance of an Accountable Person

Complaints will be handled in line with our complaints process as set out in our complaints policy, including the timescale for our responses as well as the escalation process.

Please report any relevant complaints you may have to us via email to [email protected], or in person at the reception.

Please note – relevant complaints under this section are for structural failure or spread of fire issues only, and not for general maintenance or building disrepair issues.

Building Safety Risk

Please complete the form below, if you believe there is a safety risk to an Affinity Living building.

The Building Safety Act 2022 Section 62(1) defines a ‘building safety risk’ as a risk to the safety of people in or about a building arising from any of the following occurring as regards the building:

  • the spread of fire
  • structural failure
  • any other prescribed matter


If you have any concerns that sit outside of the building safety risk definition above, please reach out to [email protected].

Your personal details:

If you wish to submit this report anonymously, please leave the below section blank.

Your contact details:

Method of contact:

Building details this report relates to:


When have you become aware about this potential hazard?
What part of the building this report relates to?

Description of your concerns:

Speak to our team:

0161 504 8252

We’re here from 10am – 6pm every Monday to Friday, and 10am – 2pm on Saturdays.